Friday, February 13, 2015

Growing up

New Horizons

My life is about to change a bit.  I'm going to start a business.  A friend and I are opening a software development company, fulfilling the default ambition of most MBAs.  Which means that I need to not be the ranty opinionated guy on the internet anymore.  It's not that I stopped having opinions, but the things I say in public are now going to have an effect on people besides myself.  So I'm going through this blog and removing my inflammatory posts so that they (hopefully) aren't found and used against me later.

That said, the new public me will still have critical thoughts and aspirations to share.  Maybe I'll blog my way through starting my first business.  I have almost started a business before, and I know what an emotional roller coaster I'm strapping myself into.  Being an introvert I am not a natural sharer of my thoughts.  That's part of the purpose of this blog, to try and put more of myself out there.  I figure that since my wife is the only person who reads my blog, I'm not really taking that big a risk.

While I'm here, I want to highlight another blog that I just started following.  It belongs to the wife of a friend of mine.  She has decided to blog her weight loss journey to the world and everybody.  I'm also trying (procrastinating) to lose weight, so I am humbled by the courage that it must take to share that journey with the internet.  The blog is at JamieWalks and if you would drop by and just give her a +1 of support or something, I know she'd appreciate it.  Maybe more, seeing that bravery might even inspire some of us to get off our own behinds and do it ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. So it took me 9 months to find your blog. Jill isn't the only one who will be reading. Very responsible step you are taking. I also see how many installments are here. Won't hold my breath for second installment, but will be looking forward to it.
