Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Recursive Loop

A recursive loop is a programming mistake where a bit of code replicates itself over and over until you run out of memory.  Think of it like tribbles.  I figure every blog is going to have a post about the purpose of the blog.  What to expect, who am I, all the cocktail party details to discuss where we're going from here.  Blogging about blogging.  It's recursive by nature.  See what I did there?

Who am I?

I was born and raised in California.  I moved around a bit, but generally consider Riverside County, CA to be my home "town".  My teenage years were spent in Hemet which is where I graduated high school.  It's a pit.  Never go there unless your mission to rescue someone from living there.  I got to experience the "tech boom" of Seattle first hand.  Especially the part where tons of overqualified people desperately searched for any job they could find after the bubble burst.  In 2003 I moved to Alabama where I quickly learned to hate college football, but also where I began my college education.

I now have a BSBA in Management Information Systems (summa cum laude, baby!) and an MBA on my wall.  I have been in IT since 1997 in a variety of roles.  Business and technology are my areas of specialization and I expect to blog mostly about them.  I also play Eve Online and may share my thoughts on that.  I consider it an MMORPG with no equal out there and deserving of some serious discussion.

Where are we going? (And why am I in this handbasket?)

What I want to do here is to put my thoughts out there in a way that lets me add detail and logic in a way that just isn't possible with Facebook posts.  I'm not a journalist by nature, so I hope that this will school me to do more research on my topics than I might for a casual conversation.  I expect to address topics in managment, economics, politics, technology and gaming.  I'll also be looking into some of my interests such as alternative energy and transportation.  So this blog will wander some as it goes.  But since I expect my only readers to be friends of mine then it should be okay that they come here for my take on things and not as their main news source.


I do more than what is expected of me.  I think bigger thoughts than are required for my day job.  I am required to write code and do low level SCCM administration 8 hours a day.  I am educated to do corporate level strategy for a major corporation.  The disconnect between my capability and my actual job leaves me with tons to say and nobody to say it to.  So the overflow will land here where hopefully I can educate and be educated in return.  (This being why I named the blog what I did.)  If the feedback points me to do more posting on a certain arena maybe the blog will crystallize in that direction.  But for now it is just me trying out putting content on the web and seeing what shakes out.

Fair warning: I have opinions.  Anything I post from the political realm will probably be ranty in nature.  Our national discourse is in the toilet, and I expect to be lamenting that here in written form.  But we'll get to that later.  For now, stay with me and help me improve and I will try to turn this thing into something worth reading.

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